Interest accrued during the period of bonds investment and the difference between the amount of principal and interest received on bonds sold and their book cost and interest accrued but not yet received shall be accounted for as current profit and loss. 债券投资存续期内的应计利息,以及出售时收回的本息与债券帐面成本及尚未收回应计利息的差额,应当计入当期损益。
Darcy, on the contrary, had seen a collection of people in whom there was little beauty and no fashion, for none of whom he had felt the smallest interest, and from none received either attention or pleasure. 至于达西,他总觉得他所看到的这些人既不美,又谈不上风度,没有一个人使他感兴趣,也没有一个人对他献殷勤,博取他的欢心。
Consumer loans and mortgages with interest rates that are outright negative remain rare, and Ms. Christiansen appears to be one of the few who actually received one while banks mull how to proceed. 消费贷款和按揭的利率直接为负的情况仍然很少见,克里斯汀森似乎是少有的几位实际拿到负利率贷款的人,而银行目前还在琢磨业务该如何推行。
When payment of interest has been refused, the presenting bank must inform by telecommunication or, if that is not possible, by other expeditious means without delay the bank from which the collection instruction was received. 当利息已被拒付时,提示行必须以电讯,当不可能时可用其他便捷的方式,通知向其发出托收指示的银行,不得延误。
Income from interest, dividends, bonuses and other income shall be taxed on the amount received in each payment. 利息、股息、红利所得和其它所得,按每次收入额纳税。
The internal rate of return is the interest rate received for an investment consisting of payments and receipts that occur at regular intervals. 内部收益率是指支付和收入以固定时间间隔发生的一笔投资所获得的利率。
Expressions of interest from around the world have been received for the 12-storey tower on the Potomac River. 世界各地的买家都对这幢位于波托马克(potomac)河畔的12层塔楼表示出了兴趣。
The amount of the interest paid should be debited to Interest Revenue, since it is an offset against the amount that will be received at the next interest date. 支付的利息应借记利息收入,因为它将与下一个利息支付日的收入相抵。
In the statement of cash flows, the disclosure: begins with cash receipts from sales, adds interest and dividends received, and then deducts cash payments for purchases and income taxes, to arrive at net cash flows from operating activities. 在现金流量表中,首先列示的是由于销售而收到的现金,加上收到的利息和股利,然后减去由于购货、所得税所导致的现金支付,最终得出经营活动的净现金流量。
Classroom teaching and practice teaching organically, stimulated the students study interest, has received the good teaching effect. 课堂教学与实践教学的有机结合,激发了同学学习兴趣,收到了良好的教学效果。
Minmetals is part of a Chinese state-owned mining conglomerate, whose previous interest in Canadian companies in2004 received widespread derision among Canadian politicians at the time. 五矿资源是一家中国国有大型矿业集团的子公司,该公司2004年曾对几家加拿大公司表示出兴趣,不过遭到当时加拿大政界人士的广泛嘲笑。
The MoD has had to extend the offer deadline because of the amount of interest it received. 由于有意收购者很多,英国国防部不得不推迟了出价截止日期。
I was clear that I could never afford the interest. Therefore, I always paid in full after I received the monthly statement from the credit card company. 我心知自己付不起那样的利息,所以每次收到信用卡的帐单都一次交清。
Thank you for your interest in Novo Nordisk position and resume received. 我们非常感谢您对诺和诺德公司职位的兴趣并已收到您发来的简历!
Today, the cash the asset management companies have collected whether from loan sales, interest on the loans or the equity they received through debt for equity swaps helps support a wide range of financial activities. 通过出售贷款、收取贷款利息以及债转股等方式,这些资产管理公司如今已经收回了许多资金,并借此开展起了广泛的金融业务。
Since the 1970s, SLA ( Second Language Acquisition) research interest has shifted from how to teach to how to learn and study on IDs ( Individual Difference) has received more and more attention in SLA research. 随着第二语言如何习得的研究由如何教向如何学的转移,对学习者个人差异(IDs)的研究成为二十世纪七十年代以来的语言习得研究的一个重要趋势。
Constructionists hold mat stratification in science is a process which is driven by interest, while feminists hold that the gender stratification is the result of unequal treatment received by women under patriarchy culture. 建构主义者认为由于科学评价的非客观性,科学界的社会分层受到特殊主义的制约,女性主义者则认为科学界的性别分层是父权制文化下女性受到不平等待遇的结果。
Principal and interest payments received from the underlying amortization loan are passed through to the investors. Owing to the stable cash flow, easy operation and low risk, residential mortgage-backed securities were created as the breakthrough of the asset backed securitization in a list of countries. 住房抵押贷款证券化是以住房抵押贷款为基础资产,以借款人分期偿还贷款所形成的稳定现金流作为支撑,具有易操作,风险低等特点,所以在各国都被作为资产证券化的突破口。
Rare earth materials have attracted intensive research interest because of their novel electronic, optical, and chemical characteristics resulting from the 4f electrons. ZnO and CdS are important classical semiconductors with wide band gap, which have been widely applied and received intense attention. 由于具有4f电子,稀土材料呈现出独特的光学、电学和磁学性能,得到了广泛的研究和应用。氧化锌和硫化镉作为应用广泛的宽带隙半导体,对其研究一直备受关注。
Environmental public interest should have been a core element in environment protection law. however, it has never received enough attention from legislative and administrative law enforcement organs for a long time. 环境公共利益本应成为环境法上的一个核心概念,但长期以来没有受到我国立法和行政执法机关的应有重视。
The laser speckle study aroused the interest of many people because of the invention of the laser after 1960s. The laser speckle phenomenon has received much more attention in recent years. 自二十世纪六十年代激光问世以来,对于激光散斑的研究激起了很多人的兴趣,近年来激光散斑现象更是越来越引起人们的关注。
With modern electronic countermeasures develop and the interest in short-pulse radar design for high-resolution and target identification problems increase, the transient response of electronic and electrical devices, excited by high-power wideband electromagnetic pulse ( EMP), has received wide attention. 随着现代战争中的电子对抗技术不断发展,高分辨短时脉冲雷达和目标精确识别的迫切需求,电子、电气设备在超大功率超宽带电磁脉冲激励下的瞬态响应特性研究已经得到广泛关注。